Mitch Amoah Mitch Amoah

Luke 23:39-47

Certain Hope in Death

Some people misunderstand the purpose of Jesus's death and who he specifically died for. How can Jesus' death bring hope when we've all been bad at one point or another? The historical account of Jesus's death in Luke 23 shows us how we can have certain hope in uncertain times.

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Jared Keath Jared Keath

Mark 15:33-39

The Death of Jesus

In the final three hours leading up to Jesus’ death, Mark records three things that show us the meaning behind what is taking place: a cry, a curtain and a confession. Each gives us an insight into why Jesus is the Saviour we need.

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Mark Jared Keath Mark Jared Keath

Mark 15:16-32

The Cross of Shame

The first half of Mark’s account of the crucifixion focuses not on the pain, but on the shame of what Jesus endured. Jesus was mocked and ridiculed by the soldiers, the crowd, the religious leaders, and even those crucified next to him. Why is it so important that Jesus endured the shame of the cross?

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Luke Jared Keath Luke Jared Keath

Luke 23:32-43

With Me In Paradise

Many people think of entry into heaven as something to work for - like working for a wage. But Jesus’ offer of paradise to a criminal destroys that approach, showing us that it can only be received as a gift of grace. This message investigates this gift Jesus gives, how we can receive it, and why Jesus can give it.

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